People work to make money. They need money for food, for rent, and to have fun. Working can also give you more independence and more control over people's life: When they work, they are learning new things, getting more skills , and making friends. In addition, people work to be part of and contribute to their communities. It means that jobs exist not only for someone's benefit, but jobs also let him/her help others.
1. What does the text explain about?
2. What would happen if people do not work?
3. What does the last sentence mean?
4. Write the passive voice based on the text above!
5. Write a short explanation about social phenomena that you know! (in six sentences)
1. work and money
2. if people don't work they don't have money to eat, rent and have fun
3. the point is, work is useful for many people, to help others and also yourself
4. the passive voice; As they work, they learn new things, gain more skills, and make friends.
5. The social phenomenon itself is a symptom or event that can be observed in social life. This social phenomenon can occur because there is an event that is outside the habits carried out by the community (social). In social science, this phenomenon is often identified with social problems. This is in accordance with what was conveyed by Soejono Soekanto, a social phenomenon or problem is a mismatch between elements of culture or society that endangers the lives of social groups. This social phenomenon can occur because it is influenced by two factors, including:
- Cultural factors are factors that contain values that grow and develop in the community. Whereas,
- Structural factors are factors that affect the structure of society which is composed by a certain pattern.
B. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan jelas dan benar! Teks ini untuk pertanyaan 1 sampai 4.
Orang bekerja untuk menghasilkan uang. Mereka membutuhkan uang untuk makan, sewa, dan bersenang-senang. Bekerja juga dapat memberi Anda lebih banyak kebebasan dan kontrol lebih besar atas kehidupan orang lain: Ketika mereka bekerja, mereka mempelajari hal-hal baru, mendapatkan lebih banyak keterampilan , dan berteman. Selain itu, orang bekerja untuk menjadi bagian dari dan berkontribusi pada komunitas mereka. Artinya, pekerjaan ada tidak hanya untuk keuntungan seseorang, tetapi pekerjaan juga memungkinkan dia membantu orang lain.
1. Apa yang dijelaskan teks tersebut?
2. Apa yang akan terjadi jika orang tidak bekerja?
3. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kalimat terakhir?
4. Tulislah kalimat pasif berdasarkan teks di atas!
5. Tulislah penjelasan singkat tentang fenomena sosial yang kamu ketahui! (dalam enam kalimat)